Friday, September 28, 2012

Here's a review of Anna's Sweet Rose Moisturizing Cream, by Donna Maria Cole Johnson, CEO of The Indie Beauty Network. "A few months ago, I was pleasantly surprised to receive several delicious treats from Debbie Miller of Anna's Potions and Lotions, one of IBN's members in Brooklyn, New York. First, I tried the Sweet Rose Moisturizing Cream. This product is made to order by Debbie, but the best part is how easily it smoothed over my skin. It also smelled fantastic. The jar I received was about 2 ounces, which led me to believe I should use very small quantities. Well, I didn't. I pretty much used up the whole thing that night I got it, after my bath. I had a little left for my cuticles, and over the next few days, I wiped that out too. Sweet Rose Moisturizing Cream contains organic Bulgarian rose oil, organic rose hydrosol, and organic rose hip seed oil -- which is oh-so-good for your skin. It is available in 4-ounce jars. The package also included a small jar of Anna's Cocoa Butter Lemon cream, which was also delightful. Debbie was kind enough to include some sample sizes of her soy candles in my package of treats. They're available in three sizes, and in Lemon, Orange, Clove, Lavender and Unscented. It's hard to select a favorite, but I'd have to say it was Clove. It was creamy yet spicy -- perfect for the fall season. In addition to candles and moisturizers, Debbie also makes lip balms. You can see more of Anna's Potions and Lotions products in the Indie Social Photo Gallery, and meet Debbie Miller there too, at her Profile Page."

Monday, September 24, 2012

Take a Guided Relaxation with Candles

Try this if you're stressed out and have 6 minutes for a quicky relaxation break: Go to There you'll find a short meditation video of a candle flame. A woman's soothing voice and gentle background music guide you along. Feel the stress melt away ...

Sunday, July 1, 2012

I came across a great book, Natural Beauty Basics, by Dorie Byers, R.N. It has recipes for creating your own soaps, facial masks, and hand cleaners. It's not only cheaper, but healthier, to make and use your own beauty products!